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More Money For Investment


One of the best way to increase your investment is to have more money to make your investment increase.

If you have an alternative source of income, an increase in your pay, or dividends come in, you can substantially increase your investment.

It sounds simple or common sense, but we are always looking at investment returns and not enough on making more to help increase this return.

 For me, I had taken on giving tuition, writing an assessment book with ex-colleagues, giving investment lectures to increase the side income. Also writing this blog, although the income from this is minimal and more coffee money than anything.

However, all of these stopped with the birth of my child one and a half years ago. I just changed job two weeks ago after being in a stressful one managing a multi million project. There was a substantial increase in pay although my job title sounds less prestigious now than before.

The more comforting thing was that I was given a raise in pay even though I had not been more than one week on the job as there was an organisation wide adjustment in pay. It applied to me even with less than one week's worth of work.

It made losing more than two months plus of bonuses more palatable when I forgo that which my ex-colleagues will take this month. And the thing is that this increment is actually worth more than I had in my previous job. I had stayed in my ex company for two and a half years.

It gives a sense of perspective to changing your job for better prospects. Then again, without the pressures and achievements from my prevoius job plus the contacts made I may not have landed this job.

Both my last two jobs were referrals from ex colleagues or contacts made in the course of my job. It makes perfect sense to be professionally and conduct yourself ethically always as you never know whether your subcontractor or supplier or business contact may end up offering you a job.

What about you? Have you made anything to cause your investment made to increase?

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