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48 Links To Investment Sites/ Finance News/ Saving Tips/ Economy/ Finance Blogs

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photo by mtsofan at http://www.flickr.com/photos/mtsofan/2237681294/This is a work in progress ... Please email me to suggest on what you think should be in this list too.

A. Economics / Economic Trends/ Financial News

1. The Economist

2. Bloomberg

3. Business Week

4. Fortune

5. Forbes

6. Wall Street Journal

7. BBC World Service Business

8. Industry Week

9. Yahoo Finance Singapore

10. The Market Oracle

B. Investment Website

1. Seeking Alpha

2. Investment U

3. Value Investing News

4. E-Trade

5. Charles Schwab

6. MorningStar

7. Phillip Securities POEMS Trading

8. CIMBInvest (Goh Direct)

9. Vanguard

10. Ticker Sense

C. Finance/Investment Blogs

1. Get Rich Slowly

2. Stock Investing- Retire Rich Slowly

3. Blogging Stocks

4. Fire Finance

5. fivecentsnickel

6. My Money Blog

7. Blogging Away Debt

8. One Frugal Girl

9. The Digerati Life

10. All Financial Matters

D. How to Save Money/ Avoid Being Cheated

1. List of Confidence Tricks

2. How to Save Money

3. Go To the Library!

4. Money Saving Supermarket Tips

5. How to Save Money Running a Start Up

6. How to get a Pay Raise

7. Prevent your kids getting e-conned

8. How Criminals Try to Rob You- A Video

9. How to Know Instantly You're Being Conned

10. Best Ways to Spend Your Money

E. Regulatory Bodies
1. Federal Reserve Bank

2. Central Bank- China (People's Bank of China)

3. Central Bank- Japan (Bank of Japan)

4. Central Bank- Germany (Deutsche Bundesbank)

5. European Central Bank

6. World Bank

7. Monetary Authority Singapore (MAS)

8. SGX

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FIRE Finance said...
March 10, 2009 at 3:45 PM  

Great List! Thanks for the mention :)

Anonymous said...
March 12, 2009 at 9:34 AM  

Wonderful list of resources! Thanks for this! :)

Lemizeraq said...
March 12, 2009 at 11:49 PM  

Hi FIRE Finance,

You are welcome. And your blog is really good :)

Lemizeraq said...
March 12, 2009 at 11:51 PM  

Hi Digerati Life,

The pleasure is all mine. Thought I should share what i read every morning through Google to people here.

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