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Your Bridge To Financial Freedom



Saw an article on Yahoo news on “How to Save One-Third of Your Income” and agree with what the author of the article, Kimberly Palmer, was saying.

If you look at the comments given, a lot is by Singaporeans and guess that it strikes a chord with us.

I found that I spent quite a bit of time to read the comments there and learn about the different ways some Singaporeans save their hard earned money.

Lots of people left their comments and the way that they try to save.

However, there are people who think that the amount put into CPF constitutes savings. The fact that most of our CPF goes to buying property plus the fact that the CPF cannot be withdrawn before our retirement means that all of us should put aside part of our cash salary into a savings kitty.

With these savings, it forms the foundation from which you can build your financial freedom.

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